Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Just Relax!

Just Relax!

We use this expression very often in our day-to-day conversation. What do these words mean to you? When we say these words to someone, we intend to put their minds to rest, but do these words achieve their purpose? When someone else says these words to us, we resist their implication, and the implicit patronage. The truth is that these words weave their magic and unleash their intended meaning only when we say these words to our own selves. But how often do we do that? Instead of saying these words to others, we should be constantly chanting these to ourselves. These words are magical and they really help in relaxing us. Try saying them to you now! Closing your eyes while doing that will magnify the effect. Try it. Did you feel relaxed?

Relaxation is a much sought after state. An entire industry is working round the clock, to provide you with R&R, rest and recreation. But the fact remains that no one outside of you can ensure relaxation for you. You have to decide to relax, and then they can facilitate the process by employing various well-researched tools. But the bottom line is that you need to be willing to experience relaxation.

Just to hear ‘ok, now relax’ doesn’t really work. You have experienced it yourself. You have to go inwards and find out what it is that is putting you on edge. Identify it and solve the situation. Most of our pressure comes from not having all the facts that we need to solve a particular problem. Sometimes we pick up pressure from our colleagues, friends and family. The solution lies in being loyal to your own self above everything else. This may seem like promoting selfishness, but the truth is that you are the most important person in your life. The moment you make other people more important than you and try to please them, you are asking for trouble.

Relaxation automatically follows fun. In fact they go hand in hand. Make it your business to have fun with everything that you do. My daily affirmation reads, ‘My primary aim in life is to feel and experience joy.’ I repeat it as often as I can. This simple sentence works as a wake up call every time I get bogged down by any pressure.

Being relaxed means stopping for a while before you allow your emotions to come o the fore. Being relaxed means not being ‘reactive’ but being ‘pro-active’.

Ask yourself, ‘How can I relax more within my self and listen to the inspiration that is coming to me all the time?’ Close your eyes and let the answer come to you. Listen to the answer and follow it with your heart.

What are the keys to relaxing more and enjoying life to the fullest? Take a look at what you have. Make a list of what you have and be grateful for everything. Be the kind of person you have always wanted to be. Don’t let any lack of time, money or resources restrict you. Tune in and make sure that you are in tune with your Higher Self. Live in your feelings and not your emotions.

Eternal Solutions, January 2008

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