Friday, February 1, 2008


How many of you agree with this statement that Love is ALL-THAT-IS? What is this love that I am referring to? Is it the romantic love? Is it the unconditional love that a mother has for her children? Is it the holy love that we feel for God? These are just various forms of love that we humans experience of this all encompassing, beautifully divine feeling called love. Love that I am talking about is the fundamental core of our being.

It has been said that we all are embodiments of love. That is why all our problems whether physical, psychological, intellectual, or financial can eventually be traced back to lack of love in our lives. How can we fill this void that all of us face sometime or the other? As with everything else in this world, if you want more love in your life, start practicing ‘giving’ more love to others. All the Universal Laws are very simple. If you want respect, learn to respect others. If you want to be successful, help someone else succeed. If you want happiness, make others happy. If you want to be wealthy, help others create wealth. Whatever you want for yourself in this life, just give more of that to others.

Who are these ‘others’ that I am referring to? In spiritual terms we are all connected, because we are all made of the same energy. We are all embodiments of love. That is why, what ever we do to another person, we actually do it to ourselves. It all comes back to us. We call it the ‘boomerang effect’. Do you know what a boomerang is? A boomerang is a curved piece of tough wood, used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club. It is designed in such a way that when thrown correctly it returns back to the thrower. Similarly, what we throw at others comes back to us eventually. Do you agree with me here? Have you ever seen this principle working in your own life?

Let me ask you to do a simple exercise. Are you ready for it? If yes, please close your eyes and relax by taking three deep breaths. Now imagine that the feeling of love (you can think of white, pink, or golden light as a symbol of love) is filling you up. It is seeping into your body cells, your bones, and your heart; everywhere. Your entire inside is bathed in love. How do you feel? I am sure you feel great. I feel wonderful after this simple exercise. So whenever you feel low, sick, unworthy, unwanted, or inadequate, just do this exercise. I promise you that you will be filled with enormous hope and enthusiasm. If you make this a part of your routine, you will be surprised at the unprecedented energy surge in you. This energy not only heals your body, but opens up new channels of creativity for you. You move away from the harmful competitive plane, and step on to the creative platform.

Love is like the electricity that flows through wires in your house. It makes all your electric appliances run. Some of these appliances give out heat, some produce a cooling effect, and some give light; while others catch sound waves, some even cook your food. The very same electricity seems to be doing so many different things. In reality electricity is only empowering each appliance to carry out the work that it has been designed for. You agree with me that each appliance has a different purpose. Similarly, each human being has a different purpose. Love just ensures that you carry out perfectly what you have been designed to do in this world.

Are you ready to put a little more love into your life? It is not difficult to do. Everyday take a few minutes out of your busy schedule for nurturing love. Keep a Love Journal. Write the names of five people / things / life forms that you love. Keep adding one name to this list everyday. Soon you will be in love with the whole world, and the world will reflect all your love back to you!

In Oscar Wilde’s words, “The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”

The Times of India, Shimla Plus, 05/01/08, Chitra Jha