Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Motivation

Sometimes when I try to explain my dream to my family and friends, I get blank stares. My enthusiasm does not find an eager audience. Most of the times, I try and avoid this situation by just keeping quiet about my dreams, but there are times when I can’t contain my excitement. I do understand that everyone operates from their belief system, just as I do. But how come the belief systems are different in the very same family in which we grew up? What exactly determines our belief systems? Is it the cumulative experience and influence of one lifetime or infinite life times?

Since I am a Past Life Regression Therapist, I know that our past lives affect our present belief systems, but for most people this fact is difficult to digest. Most of us believe that our beliefs come from our childhood conditioning. If we were told as children that telepathy does not exist, we will grow up believing it to be our truth. However, it is only a belief and not a fact. Most of what we believe is not based on facts in any case.

Now suppose that as a grown up you come across someone who can demonstrate to you that telepathy does exist. What will you do now? Will you accept this new truth? Generally even when a fact is offered with proof, a skeptic mind would try and block it. They try and skip to another reality zone, just to avoid changing their beliefs. It is a sort of automatic defense mechanism of the ego. Sometimes, when you are trying your best to explain something new to someone, they get a glazed look in their eyes. Their attention drifts off. They stop paying attention to you. This is their mind’s way of blocking out information that does not tally with its belief system. Only an open mind can absorb new information and evaluate it on its own terms.

So, now I have decided to share my dreams only with those people who believe in me. I am not here to change anyone’s belief systems, I am here to have faith in my belief system and evaluate it from time to time. I am here to discard beliefs that do not work for me any more and form experiential beliefs that always work. I do not believe that successful people are just lucky. I know that one becomes successful by believing in one’s dreams.

My motivation comes from setting BIG goals. I stay motivated by writing my goal in great detail, letting go of it in care of the Universe, and taking small inspired actions from time to time. Invariably I am led to the right people, right opportunities and right know-how to achieve my goals. After one goal is achieved, I set another BIG goal. I stay motivated by my complete faith in the Universe. My motivation also comes from imagining a bigger, brighter, and more colourful life than I currently lead. I put my emotions into this picture. Eventually I am led to take successful action. This action is always inspired, and I do it to the best of my ability.

I write my New Life Story and run it through my mind many times a day. Each run builds up the momentum, and I feel excited about taking actions to reach my goals. I know people who live the life that I live and I also know people whose lives are full of boredom and mediocrity. I feel grateful to the Universe because my eyes and mind are open. I have discovered my potential. I have chosen my life of purpose and passion. I feel ecstatic. Life is beautiful.

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